Tuesday, August 14, 2007

More Baby Hats

This is Shelly's Slip Stitch Quilted Baby Hat by Shelly Kang. It's the reason I haven't been knitting on MS3 lately. Or at least one of the reasons. The other being insane headaches from a sinus infection that just won't die. But no whining. This hat is so freaking adorable. I just love knitting it! I'm using Panda Wool from Crystal Palace yarns and I love it love it love it. I might have to make up some boy versions as some one I know is having a boy this fall. I might have to make up matching booties first though - I've got quite a bit of yarn left over. I also had 2 people in my networking group ask if I would make yellow and purple (Viking colors) hats for their babies that are due this fall. I'm not a fan of purple and yellow... this is going to be a stretch for me.

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