Monday, January 14, 2008

Sock update

I finished the scarf late last night and sewed in the ends this morning. That means I'm free to start another project. No! That means I'm free to work on my socks. I'm working on the heel right now. I thought about making the heel and the toe pink, but I think I'm going to just stick with the toes being pink. I think it will give it a nice balanced look.

I absolutely love this color combination. Chocolate brown and pink. I hope my sock pal likes it too. It's so hard to tell about some of these things. I figure if she doesn't like them, she could always re-gift them to someone with the same size feet. :)


Lisa said...

They look great so far, and I agree with you on pink and brown..They make a wonderful combination. I can't wait to see the FO's.

Knittymuggins said...

Soooo pretty! Who *wouldn't* love pink & brown? But that's just me ;)
